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/* make.c
* (c) Copyright 1991 by Ben Eng, All Rights Reserved
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <clib/exec_protos.h>
#include <clib/dos_protos.h>
#include "make.h"
#include "depend.h"
static int make_implicit( char *goalname, int *remake_flag );
* Get the modification time of a file. If the file
* doesn't exist, it's modtime is set to 0.
static time_t
modtime( char *filename )
struct FileInfoBlock *fib;
BPTR myLock;
long ioErr;
time_t mtime = 0L;
fib = (struct FileInfoBlock *)malloc( sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock));
if( fib ) {
if( !(myLock = Lock( filename, ACCESS_READ ))) {
if( (ioErr = IoErr()) != ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND)
logprintf( "Can't Lock '%s'; error %ld\n", filename, ioErr );
else if( !Examine( myLock, fib )) {
logprintf( "Can't Examine '%s'; error %ld", filename, IoErr() );
else {
mtime = fib->fib_Date.ds_Tick / TICKS_PER_SECOND +
60*fib->fib_Date.ds_Minute + 86400 * fib->fib_Date.ds_Days;
UnLock( myLock );
free( fib );
return( mtime );
/* return true if targ1 is newer than targ2 OR if either is missing */
isnewer( char *targ1, char *targ2 )
time_t t1, t2;
long diff;
int retval;
t1 = modtime( targ1 );
t2 = modtime( targ2 );
if( !t1 || !t2 )
retval = 1;
else {
diff = (long)(t1 - t2);
retval = (diff > 0L) ? 1 : 0;
debugprintf( 5, ("isnewer %s=%ld,%s=%ld diff=%ld: %s\n", targ1, t1,
targ2, t2, diff, (retval) ? "yes" : "no" ));
return( retval );
/* recursively make a target filename */
make_filename( const char *goalname, int *made )
int remake_flag = (Param.all_mode) ? 1 : 0;
struct depend *dep;
struct List *cmdlist = NULL;
struct target *goal = find_target( goalname );
char *depname = NULL;
*made = (Param.all_mode) ? 1 : 0;
if( Global.recursion_level == 1 ) {
logprintf( "\tmake( %s )\n", goalname );
else {
debugprintf( 1, ( "\n\tmake %d ( %s )\n", Global.recursion_level,
goalname ));
if( goal ) {
if( (goal->flags & TF_NEVER) ||
((goal->flags & (TF_ONCE | TF_MADE)) == (TF_ONCE | TF_MADE)) ) {
logprintf( "\tskipping %s\n", goalname );
return( 0 );
if( goal->dependlist.lh_Head->ln_Succ ) {
for( dep = (struct depend *)goal->dependlist.lh_Head;
dep->node.ln_Succ; dep = dep->node.ln_Succ ) {
int made_flag = 0;
debugprintf( 1, ("%s depends on %s\n", goalname, dep->name ));
if( make_filename( dep->name, &made_flag ))
return( 1 );
if( made_flag || (!(goal->flags & TF_PHONY) &&
isnewer( dep->name, goalname ))) {
depname = dep->name;
remake_flag = 1;
debugprintf( 4, ("%s was made\n", dep->name ));
} /* for */
remake_flag = 1; /* has no dependencies */
cmdlist = (goal->flags & TF_OWNER ) ? &goal->commandlist :
} /* if */
/* if no explicit rule for goal OR goal has no commands */
if( !goal || (!cmdlist->lh_Head->ln_Succ && !(goal->flags & TF_PHONY))) {
int retval = make_implicit( goalname, &remake_flag );
if( retval == -1 ) {
if( !goal )
logprintf( "don't know how to make %s\n", goalname );
retval = 0;
*made = remake_flag;
return( retval );
else {
if( (remake_flag || (goal->flags & TF_ALWAYS))
&& cmdlist->lh_Head->ln_Succ ) {
int retval;
set_target_macros( goalname, depname );
retval = recipe( goalname, cmdlist );
set_target_macros( NULL, NULL );
if( retval )
return( 1 );
goal->flags |= TF_MADE;
else if( !remake_flag ) {
debugprintf( 2,("%s is up to date\n", goal->name ));
if( !(goal->flags & TF_INVIS) )
*made = remake_flag;
debugprintf( 4, ("%s remake_flag = %d\n", goalname, remake_flag ));
return( 0 );
/* use this inference engine as a last resort
* use pattern rules to determine dependencies and commands for goalname
static int
make_implicit( char *goalname, int *remake_flag )
char *depfile = (char *)malloc( MAXPATHNAME );
struct patternrule *pr;
struct List *cmdlist;
struct target *goal;
int makeit_flag = (Param.all_mode) ? 1 : *remake_flag;
debugprintf( 1, ("\tmake_implicit( %s,%d)\n", goalname, *remake_flag ));
if( !depfile )
goto death; /* no mem */
*depfile = (char)0;
for( pr = &Global.patternlist.lh_Head; pr->node.ln_Succ;
pr = pr->node.ln_Succ ) {
if( pattern_match( pr->tar_pat, goalname )) {
debugprintf( 2, ("Matched Pattern rule %s: %s to %s\n",
pr->tar_pat, pr->dep_pat, goalname ));
if( *pr->dep_pat ) {
map_to_pattern( depfile, pr->tar_pat, pr->dep_pat, goalname );
if( !access( depfile, 0 )) { /* found it */
int made_flag;
debugprintf( 2, ("double pattern rule matches %s\n",
depfile ));
if( make_filename( depfile, &made_flag ))
goto death;
if( made_flag || isnewer( depfile, goalname ))
makeit_flag = 1;
break; /* found it */
} /* else not the right rule, continue to find another */
else {
debugprintf( 2, ("single suffix rule applies\n" ));
makeit_flag = 1;
break; /* found it */
} /* if */
} /* for each suffix rule */
goal = ( pr->node.ln_Succ ) ? pr->targ : default_target;
if( !goal ) {
free( depfile );
debugprintf( 4, ("returning -1, remake_flag = %d\n", *remake_flag ));
return( -1 );
if( makeit_flag ) {
cmdlist = (goal->flags & TF_OWNER ) ?
&goal->commandlist : goal->alternate;
if( cmdlist && cmdlist->lh_Head->ln_Succ ) {
set_target_macros( goalname, depfile );
if( recipe( goalname, cmdlist ))
goto death;
set_target_macros( NULL, NULL );
if( !(goal->flags & TF_INVIS) )
*remake_flag = 1;
free( depfile );
debugprintf( 4, ("implicit %s remake_flag = %d\n", goalname, *remake_flag ));
return( 0 );
if( depfile )
free( depfile );
return( 1 );